Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Awesome Advice For Raising Awesome Children-2

Each child is unique, much like a snowflake. Children have their own likes and dislikes, temper or calmness, and you need to adjust your parenting style to work with their listening style. Here are some ideas given to us by parents who have raised their children and survived.

To get out the door on time in the morning, set an "alarm " - something fun and friendly, not jarring, to go off a few minutes before you need to be out the door. This will remind your kids how much time they have and to finish up what they are doing so they will be ready to go.

Take advantage of carpools when sending your children to school. A carpool allows you to not have to shuttle your children back and forth to school every day. It also gives your children some extra socialization time with the neighbors. You save time, and save on gas as well.

Establishing a list of "House Rules" gives your child a sense of security, because your child will know exactly what behaviors are expected. Put your rules in writing and discuss them with your child to make sure your child understands what they mean. Set a good example by following the rules yourself.

If you make a statement, follow through with it. If you say the same things over and over to your child without imposing a consequence, he is never going to listen to you. However, if you truly mean what you say and you follow through with your words, your child will learn to listen to you the first time you say something.

One of the most important things to remember when raising a child is to stay calm. No matter how angry or upset you get, you need to take a deep breath and calm down before you react. If you react while you're upset or angry, you're liable to make rash decisions that you'll regret.

If you are bringing home a newborn, wash your hands often. Ask everyone else who holds the baby to do the same. Newborn babies have not yet developed their immune system. They can easily catch many illnesses because of their weakened state. You can help by making sure that those who handle them are as germ free as possible.

One of the best solutions to taming an unruly teenager is to go to counseling with them. Counselors are trained to deal with bad behavior, so they are the best one to go to in order to get advice on what you can do to improve your teenager's behavioral issues.

One of the best ways to discipline a child is by putting them in time-out. Stopping them in their tracks and putting them in a spot like a corner will teach them that they cannot do certain things. Before actually putting them in time-out, give them a warning. Then, if they continue to do this behavior, follow through with your threat.

Your children are precious, but aren't really like a snowflake. They won't melt if you do the wrong thing, so feel free to experiment with your parenting style until you find something that works. Kids are amazingly resilient, so supply lots of hugs and kisses when things do go wrong and everything will be okay in the end!

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